Я борюсь, потому что есть претензии, что мы не можем отказаться друг от друга
Я борюся, тому що є претензії, що ми не можемо поступатися один одному

к нотам форгет
не забудь

Что есть женщины, воспитавшие тебя, принесенные в жертву теням, за которые ты сражаешься.
Що є жінки, які вас виховали, які принесені в жертву в тіні, за яку ви боретеся

к нотам форгет
не забудь

Что невинные животные приносятся в жертву в тенях, за которые вы боретесь.
Що невинних тварин приносять у жертву в тіні, за яку ви боретеся







Why do only those who have hope know despair in their hearts?
Why only those who have the courage will be hurt at the end of their honor

I didn't want to look down on sad events, so I named the new dawn a dream.
Light falls in the twisted night gap
The sky is crying

I don't know the end of the world, but I want to protect where I can reach
I glared at one reason to fight
The answer to forgiveness We must not lose

The words may be different
It doesn't matter where you were born

The moment when you touch each other to know what you don't know
I smelled the future from the open window
The shadow of a person overlapping the unraveled palm
A gentle world to solicit love

I don't need beautiful things, but my chest hurts so much that it gets dirty
Don't lose to those who carve the definition of life and wield lonely justice

That's how I say it over and over again
The past that can never return screams in the distance


Is there anything more scary than dying?


I hate defeat and processing
I don't know the end of the world, but I want to protect where I can reach
I glared at one reason to fight
The answer to forgiveness We must not lose



